Chiropractic Services
Like links in a chain, our spine is composed of individual bones (vertebrae) all interconnected by disc and ligaments. The vertebrae act as the foundation of our body, providing protection to our spinal cord while at the same time allowing movement and flexibility of our neck and back. Just as there is a normal range for blood pressure and heart rate, there is a normal range for how the human spine should be aligned.
Auto Injuries & Whiplash
We have all heard the term “whiplash”, but what is it? Most people believe that whiplash is another way of saying pulled neck muscles. The fact is, whiplash injuries involve much more than strained muscles.
Conditions We Treat
- Car Accidents
- Anterior Head Syndrome
- Whiplash
- Neck pain
- Back Pain
- Headaches
- Shoulder Pain
- Hip Pain
- Muscle Spasm